
How To Say What Size In Spanish

Today, I will teach how to ask what size in Castilian. I will as well encompass v very mutual mistakes the English language speakers make when speaking Spanish. If yous want to avoid making these 5 common mistakes, I urge you to read the remainder of this weblog post.

How To Ask What Size in Spanish

Fri night, I went "al cinematics" (to the movies) with some Colombian friends and they had a friend named Andy bring together the states.
Andy is from the U.K, and he is sort of a "mochilero" (backpacker) who has traveled throughout Latin America. "Mochilero" comes from the word "mochila" which means "backpack."

I heard Andy brand at least v mistakes when speaking Spanish. I made a note of the mistakes with my smart phone so that I could share the mistakes with you lot so that you don't always commit these same errors.

1. After we were seated in the movies but before the movie started, Andy decided to get something from the refreshment stand. And he asked his Colombian friend if he wanted annihilation, ¿Quieres algo? (Do y'all want anything?). His friend requested "una manzana." "Mananza" literally means apple but in this case "manzana" refers to an apple tree-flavored soft drink that is very popular in Colombia. Information technology reminds me of apple-flavored Snapple except that it is carbonated.

In order to determine what size "gaseosa" (soda/soft drink) that his friend wanted, Andy asked, ¿Qué talla? Andy's friend responded, "no importa." (It doesn't matter.)

How to ask what size  in Spanish

Well, "talla" does mean size, merely "talla" refers to the size of habiliment. When referring to spatial dimensions, proportions,  magnitude, or bulk of annihilation, etc., you should use the word "tamaño" instead of "talla."

Then Andy should have asked his friend ¿Qué tamaño? or ¿De qué tamaño?

***Be sure to not confuse the words "talla" and " and "taller." "Talla"
means size. "Taller" means work shop, every bit a in an autobody or machine mechanics work store.***

Since I wanted "crispetas" (popcorn), I decided to accompany Andy.
By the way, in nearly countries in Latin America, they use the give-and-take "palomitas" instead of "crispetas" in order to say popcorn — but non in Republic of colombia.

two. When we arrived at the refreshment stand, Andy requested "una manzana" and the "cajero" (cashier) asked him ¿Qué tamaño?

At outset, Andy did not empathise the question from the "cajero" and he responded, ¿Qué?

¿Qué? does hateful "what?" But to reply ¿Qué? when you don't understand someone or y'all didn't hear the person is considered "maleducado" or "grosero" in Latin America.

By the way, "maleducado" does non mean poorly educated. Both "maleducado" and "grosero" mean rude or crude.

When Andy did not hear or did non empathise the "cajero" he should have responded ¿Cómo?

3. The "cajero" (cashier) then asked Andy once again, ¿Qué tamaño?

In guild to say medium-sized Andy responded "media"

Did you notice Andy'south mistake?

"Media" or "mitad" ways half. Simply if you want to say "medium-sized" then you must say "mediano/a"

4. The "cajero" (cashier) then asked Andy, ¿Algo más? (anything else)

Andy and so pointed to a Snickers bar behind the stand up and said "ése, por favor." (that i, delight). And the "cajero" asked ¿éste? (this ane?) pointing to a bag of Thou&Ms candy.

Andy, responded "no," "ése, no" "el primero dulce." Did you find Andy's mistake here?

As adjectives, the ordinal numbers "primero" and "tercero" drib the -o when coming before a masculine singular noun:

  • el primer dulce (the commencement processed),
  • el primer libro (the first book),
  • el tercer dulce (the third candy),
  • el tercer libro (the tertiary volume).

So Andy should have said "el primer dulce" (the first candy) or "el primero" (the first one).

v. After the movie, nosotros were all a footling hungry so we went to a nice "restaurante" to grab a bite to eat.

At the "restaurante," Andy read the "carta de vinos" (wine bill of fare) and then decided that he wanted a half of a bottle of wine. He and so told the "mesero" or waiter that he wanted "mediana botella de vino rojo, por favor."

Did y'all discover Andy'due south mistake?

"Mediana" means "medium sized." But "media" means half. So he should accept said "media botella de vino tinto, por favor." (Half a bottle of red wine, delight.)

He should accept likewise said "vino tinto" and non "vino rojo." Although "rojo" does hateful the color red, in Spanish scarlet wine is more ordinarily referred to every bit "vino tinto" than "vino rojo."

"Tinto" is also the word that is used in order to say "black coffee" in both Colombia and Venezuela.


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