
Facebook Question And Answer Game

40 Facebook Questions to Get Your Friends Talking

40 Facebook Questions to Get Your Friends Talking

Facebook has been a long-running social media platform that allows users to interact. Whether you're typing a lengthy status update or sharing memes all day, getting engagements and interactions makes the application even more interesting.

Whether you're interested in what your friends think, or you're bored and want to have a little fun, posting the right content will increase the likelihood that you'll have responses to the content that you post.

Whatever your interests are, Facebook can entertain you by engaging others in conversations. If you're posting status updates that aren't getting a lot of interaction you may want to rethink the content.

Posting the Right Status Updates

Some users post a lot about their personal lives, a lot of times this content is negative. If you're looking to get more enjoyment from your Facebook activities, changing up your posts to be more engaging is simple.

If you're looking to inspire some more engagement (and to attract more attention) to your Facebook posts, consider asking questions that your friends and followers WANT to interact with. Questions are effective at getting people talking for three simple reasons:

  1. People like to talk about themselves
  2. People like to share their opinions
  3. People like to be part of a conversation engaging with others

If you really want people to get engaged on your Facebook Profile, Group, or Page, you can start using Facebook as a forum for fun, silly, interesting, and even deep discussions. Make your Facebook profile a place where people come to connect with each other.

Try asking engaging questions on Facebook.

Getting to Know You

Did I mention that people like talking about themselves? Humor them with some of these sorts of questions. Don't forget to be engaged in the conversation yourself. Respond to what people say and show your Facebook pals that you're interested in them and what they have to say.

The more you do this, the more people will want to respond to future questions, and the more engagement you'll experience on Facebook. Here are a few examples of "getting to know you" (or ice breaker) questions to get you started:

  • What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
  • What is the last thing you do before you go to sleep?
  • What is a food you wouldn't eat as a child but you love now?
  • What is the first thing you notice when you meet someone for the first time?
  • What's the best compliment you've ever received?
  • Which TV family is most like your own?

Fill in the Blank

These are a lot like "getting to know you" questions. However, a slightly different structure may inspire different results. Some people may be more compelled to answer a question if they are faced with a blank space to fill, and fill in the blank questions will be unique to most people on Facebook, which may yield some interesting responses.

You can turn any of the above questions into a fill in the blank question or try one of the following.

  • My favorite board game of all time is ________.
  • ________ is a movie that really inspires me.
  • My favorite song to sing in the shower is ________.
  • ________ is the cartoon character most like me.

Would You Rather?

For something a little sillier but no less engaging, try asking a "would you rather" question. For whatever reason, people love answering these questions, and the sillier or more ridiculous, the better. These ridiculous scenarios will definitely get people talking on Facebook:

  • Would you rather play a villain or a hero in a movie?
  • Would you rather win a gold medal or an Academy award?
  • Would you rather be completely bald or totally covered in hair?
  • Would you rather get stung by a jellyfish or bitten by a spider?
  • Would you rather go skydiving or deep-sea diving?
  • Would you rather go a month without washing your hair or without brushing your teeth?
  • Would you rather have a million good friends or a million dollars?


Questions that make people choose between two alter egos can be fun and enlightening. These questions ask people to decide between some bizarre options, but asking people's preferences on strange topics doesn't have to be quite so involved. The following are some more straight-forward preference questions.

  • Ninjas or pirates?
  • Early bird or night owl?
  • Superman or Captain America?
  • Bert or Ernie?

People will respond to these questions just for the fun of it.

If You Could…

Sometimes really getting to know people is about more than just asking how they like their coffee. Your Facebook friends' answers to some hypothetical situations could be as revealing as they are entertaining.

  • If you could eat anything you want without gaining any weight, what's the first thing you'd eat?
  • If you could personally witness any event in history, what would it be?
  • If you could be any age for a month, what age would you choose?
  • If you could only have one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  • If you had to choose another name for yourself, what would you choose?
  • If you had three wishes, what would they be?

What Was the Last?

These slightly interactive questions reveal quite a bit about people's days or weeks. Not to mention the answers will come back with the occasional surprise.

  • What was the last picture you took with your phone?
  • What was the last lie you told?
  • What was the last movie you saw in the theater?
  • What was the last meal you had delivered?

Ask For Help

Possibly even more than talking about themselves, people love to tell others what they should do. Invite your Facebook friends to tell you what you should do.

  • What should I make for our anniversary dinner?
  • Which haircut do you like the most? [show pictures]
  • What book should I read next?
  • Which photo should be my next Christmas card? [show pictures]

Philosophical Questions

Philosophical questions are designed to provoke deep thought. These can entice people to respond because you're asking them to really think about their views and their experiences. Because people love to share more about themselves, questions with a philosophical nature can be quite entertaining and attractive.

Due to the harsh nature of social media, you may want to keep these questions light to avoid conflict. It may be best to avoid asking political or religious content unless you're ready to play referee among your friends.

  • Do you think there's such a thing as absolute morality?
  • Can a person truly experience happiness if they've never been sad?
  • What is the reason for life? Do you think there is one?
  • Is it wrong to tell 'white lies' to spare someone's feelings? What's your experience?
  • What happens when Batman gets bit by a vampire?

Philosophical questions can be funny or promote a deeper conversation. One tip for posting this type of content is to form open-ended questions. This promotes responses outside of a "yes" or "no" answer to keep the conversation going.

Hopefully, some of these questions have piqued your interest and the interest of your Facebook friends and followers. If not, take some of the categories and try creating a few engaging questions of your own.


Understanding the psychology of "why" people respond to your Facebook statuses will contribute to your success. If you're only posting content related to YOUR interests, others may not respond.

Facebook Question And Answer Game


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