
How Did Dally Get Out Of Trouble For Speeding?


Voice responses

Hero responses

Abaddon, Alchemist, Ancient Apparition, Anti-Mage, Arc Warden, Axe, Bane, Batrider, Beastmaster, Bloodseeker, Bounty Hunter, Brewmaster, Bristleback, Broodmother, Centaur Warrunner, Chaos Knight, Chen, Clinkz, Clockwerk, Crystal Maiden, Dark Seer, Dark Willow, Dawnbreaker, Dazzle, Death Prophet, Disruptor, Doom, Dragon Knight, Drow Ranger, Earth Spirit, Earthshaker, Elder Titan, Ember Spirit, Enchantress, Enigma, Faceless Void, Grimstroke, Gyrocopter, Hoodwink, Huskar, Invoker, Io, Jakiro, Juggernaut, Keeper of the Light, Kunkka, Legion Commander, Leshrac, Lich, Lifestealer, Lina, Lion, Lone Druid, Luna, Lycan, Magnus, Marci, Mars, Medusa, Meepo, Mirana, Monkey King, Morphling, Naga Siren, Nature's Prophet, Necrophos, Night Stalker, Nyx Assassin, Ogre Magi, Omniknight, Oracle, Outworld Destroyer, Pangolier, Phantom Assassin, Phantom Lancer, Phoenix, Puck, Pudge, Pugna, Queen of Pain, Razor, Riki, Rubick, Sand King, Shadow Demon, Shadow Fiend, Shadow Shaman, Silencer, Skywrath Mage, Slardar, Slark, Snapfire, Sniper, Spectre, Spirit Breaker, Storm Spirit, Sven, Techies, Templar Assassin, Terrorblade, Tidehunter, Timbersaw, Tinker, Tiny, Treant Protector, Troll Warlord, Tusk, Underlord, Undying, Ursa, Vengeful Spirit, Venomancer, Viper, Visage, Void Spirit, Warlock, Weaver, Windranger, Winter Wyvern, Witch Doctor, Wraith King, Zeus

Other responses

  • Default Announcer
  • Shopkeeper
  • Warlock Golem
  • Aghanim's Labyrinth
  • Diretide 2020

Announcer Packs

  • Axe
  • Bastion
  • Bristleback
  • Clockwerk
  • Crystal Maiden
  • Dark Willow
  • Darkest Dungeon
  • Death Prophet (Diretide)
  • Defense Grid
  • Deus Ex
  • Diretide
  • Dr. Kleiner
  • Fallout 4
  • Gabe Newell
  • GLaDOS
  • Juggernaut
  • Kunkka & Tidehunter
  • Lina
  • Monkey King
  • Meepo
  • Nature's Prophet
  • Pyrion Flax
  • Rick and Morty
  • Storm Spirit
  • Techies
  • The Pirate Cap'n
  • The Stanley Parable
  • Trine
  • Tusk (Greeviling)
  • Voice of The International

Voice Packs

  • The Disciple's Path (Anti-Mage)
  • Axe Unleashed (Axe)
  • Davion of Dragon Hold (Dragon Knight)
  • Slyrak, the Elder Dragon (Dragon Knight)
  • Planetfall (Earthshaker)
  • Acolyte of the Lost Arts (Invoker)
  • The Good Old Days (Invoker)
  • Call of the Bladeform Legacy (Juggernaut)
  • Voice of Flockheart's Gamble (Ogre Magi)
  • Feast of Abscession (Pudge)
  • The Toy Butcher (Pudge)
  • The Eminence of Ristul (Queen of Pain)
  • Voice of the Magus Cypher (Rubick)
  • Mercurial's Call (Spectre)
  • Phantom Advent (Spectre)
  • Compass of the Rising Gale (Windranger)
  • The One True King (Wraith King)


  • Skeleton King
  • Enigma Legacy
  • Voice Actors
  • Heroes
  • Introduction

    Played upon selecting Dark Willow in the main menu announcement area, after she finishes with her animations.

    • ▶️ Let's have some fun, shall we...
    • ▶️ u Mireska is here.
    • ▶️ u Are you ready to have some fun, ya?
    • ▶️ u Whaddya say Jex, you ready to play?
    • ▶️ u Whaddaya waiting for? We have some gold to steal.
    • ▶️ u Let's get into some mischief, shall we?


    • ▶️ They're not ready for what I have planned...
    • ▶️ Jex... are you ready for shenanigans?
    • ▶️ Mireska has arrived.
    • ▶️ No one will forget the name Mireska
    • ▶️ u The Sylph is here!
    • ▶️ Let's have some fun, shall we...
    • ▶️ I'm full of surprises...
    • ▶️ I can take care of myself...
    • ▶️ Let's see what we can take now....
    • ▶️ It's not wise to stand in my way...



    • ▶️ Mireska has arrived.


    • ▶️ Ugh!

    Entering battle

    • ▶️ They're not ready for what I have planned...
    • ▶️ Jex... are you ready for shenanigans?
    • ▶️ Let's have some fun, shall we...
    • ▶️ These marks won't know what hit 'em...
    • ▶️ God I'm going to enjoy this...
    • ▶️ Time to take what I want...
    • ▶️ We're going to have some fun Jex...
    • ▶️ Never been stopped before, not gonna start now...
    • ▶️ Come my little's playtime.
    • ▶️ I'm wanted in 6 nations... you think a glowing rock is going to stop me?
    • ▶️ It's not wise to stand in my way...
    • ▶️ I don't take pleasure in violence, but no one gets between me and my desires.
    • ▶️ I'm full of surprises...
    • ▶️ My family will never forget my name...

    50% chance

    • ▶️ I almost feel sorry for what's about to happen...almost.

    40% chance

    • ▶️ I can feel it already, this is gonna be exciting...

    30% chance

    • ▶️ Mireska has arrived.
    • ▶️ No one will forget the name Mireska
    • ▶️ This'll be like stealing candy from a- Well stealing from anyone really, I'm pretty amazing.


    • ▶️ This one's in the bag.

    35% chance

    • ▶️ In the bag. Stole the bag. My bag.

    Beginning battle

    • ▶️ Come on Jex, we have work to do.
    • ▶️ Ohhhh I have chills...

    40% chance

    • ▶️ I don't need a horn to tell me when to fight.


    • ▶️ 120 Let's go Jex...
    • ▶️ Time to move.
    • ▶️ Time to get into trouble...
    • ▶️ 240 A little mischief never killed anyone...
    • ▶️ Moving..
    • ▶️ 240 On my way.
    • ▶️ 120 You ready for shenanigans?
    • ▶️ I'm going.
    • ▶️ 240 My time has come...
    • ▶️ What are we waiting for...
    • ▶️ 240 Come on, Jex!
    • ▶️ 120 I'll prove I'm the best..
    • ▶️ 240 I'm always on the move...
    • ▶️ r Can't stay in one place too long...
    • ▶️ r The sooner we're outta here the better...
    • ▶️ Let's get moving...
    • ▶️ Here we go...
    • ▶️ No time to dilly dally...
    • ▶️ Let's fly...
    • ▶️ Gotta go...
    • ▶️ Mischief awaits...
    • ▶️ Time to be trouble...
    • ▶️ Can't stay here...
    • ▶️ Eheheheh huhum.

    40% chance

    • ▶️ 120 Let's see where the road takes us...

    35% chance

    • ▶️ 120 Let's find something to steal...

    30% chance

    • ▶️ 240 We're going on a little field trip Jex...
    • ▶️ r This place was boring anyway...

    Moving at less than 20% health

    • ▶️ Let's go Jex...
    • ▶️ Time to move.
    • ▶️ Time to get into trouble...
    • ▶️ Moving..
    • ▶️ Let's get outta here...
    • ▶️ You ready for shenanigans?
    • ▶️ What are we waiting for...
    • ▶️ Can't stay in one place too long...
    • ▶️ Here we go...
    • ▶️ No time to dilly dally...
    • ▶️ They're on to us, let's go...
    • ▶️ Let's fly...
    • ▶️ Gotta go...
    • ▶️ Time to be trouble...
    • ▶️ Can't stay here...
    • ▶️ Let's find something to steal...

    40% chance

    • ▶️ 120 I'm going.
    • ▶️ 120 Come on, Jex!
    • ▶️ 120 I'll prove I'm the best..
    • ▶️ 120 I'm always on the move...
    • ▶️ 120 Let's get moving...
    • ▶️ 120 Let's see where the road takes us...

    30% chance

    • ▶️ 120 Mischief awaits...

    20% chance

    • ▶️ 240 On my way.
    • ▶️ We're going on a little fieldtrip Jex...
    • ▶️ 120 This place was boring anyway...

    15% chance

    • ▶️ 240 A little mischief never killed anyone...

    10% chance

    • ▶️ 240 The sooner we're outta here the better...

    5% chance

    • ▶️ r My time has come...


    • ▶️ You're mine!
    • ▶️ 240 I can take care of myself...
    • ▶️ r You think I don't know how to fight?
    • ▶️ You're not walking away...
    • ▶️ It's you or me...
    • ▶️ 240 Wait your turn Jex...
    • ▶️ 120 This one's mine Jex...
    • ▶️ 120 I won't let you stop me...
    • ▶️ You shoulda walked away...
    • ▶️ I'm gonna have fun with you...
    • ▶️ This is where ya die...
    • ▶️ Run.
    • ▶️ You should run while you can...
    • ▶️ No one can stop us...
    • ▶️ I'm untouchable....
    • ▶️ Nothing can stand in our way...
    • ▶️ Huh!
    • ▶️ Ya!
    • ▶️ Ha!
    • ▶️ Da!
    • ▶️ Ha ya!
    • ▶️ Hht!
    • ▶️ Ay-a!
    • ▶️ Hu-ah!
    • ▶️ Ha!
    • ▶️ Hu!
    • ▶️ Ha!
    • ▶️ Haa!
    • ▶️ Ha!
    • ▶️ Ah!
    • ▶️ Ya!
    • ▶️ u Huu yah!
    • ▶️ u Huh yah!
    • ▶️ u Ha-tya!
    • ▶️ u Hya-ga!
    • ▶️ u Ha-dya!
    • ▶️ u Haa-dya!
    • ▶️ u Huu-dya!
    • ▶️ u Hu-dah!
    • ▶️ u Hu ah!

    Ordering a spell cast

    • ▶️ Showtime...
    • ▶️ You're not ready for this...
    • ▶️ I'm full of surprises...


    Bramble Maze
    On cast

    • ▶️ Stick around...
    • ▶️ You're not going anywhere...
    • ▶️ Not so fast...
    • ▶️ Hahahahahah eheh.
    • ▶️ 120 This'll be fun to watch.
    • ▶️ 120 You're going to die slowly...
    • ▶️ Let's see you try to escape...
    • ▶️ 120 Enjoy...
    • ▶️ A gift from me to you...
    • ▶️ Don't take too much time...
    • ▶️ Time isn't on your side...
    • ▶️ You want me, come get me...
    • ▶️ This isn't going to end well for you...

    Shadow Realm
    On cast

    • ▶️ Let's get outta here...
    • ▶️ 240 They're on to us, let's go...
    • ▶️ 120 Now you see me...
    • ▶️ Time to regroup...
    • ▶️ Get ready for a surprise...
    • ▶️ 240 I got a few tricks up my sleeve...
    • ▶️ 120 Hahahahaha heh.
    • ▶️ I'm gonna find you....
    • ▶️ Retreat to shadows...
    • ▶️ The shadows will protect me...
    • ▶️ I disappear...
    • ▶️ You'll see me again soon...
    • ▶️ Time to get outta here...

    35% chance

    • ▶️ r Jex, whaddya say we go introduce ourselves...

    Cursed Crown
    On cast

    • ▶️ r I take what I want, and what I want now is your life.
    • ▶️ You're gonna love this...
    • ▶️ 120 You should have ran...
    • ▶️ 120 Gotcha!
    • ▶️ 120 The ley lines call to me...
    • ▶️ 120 Tick tock...
    • ▶️ 120 I have you right where I want you.
    • ▶️ 120 I have you now...
    • ▶️ I don't think so!
    • ▶️ You're in my dominion...
    • ▶️ You couldn't begin to understand the power I wield
    • ▶️ You're on borrowed time.
    • ▶️ I'd run if I were you.
    • ▶️ You're on the clock, love...

    On cast

    • ▶️ Jex, protect me!
    • ▶️ Alright little wisp, do your thing.
    • ▶️ r You shouldn't have made my friend angry.
    • ▶️ You're all dead.
    • ▶️ You're all about to die.
    • ▶️ Jex, this one's all you.
    • ▶️ I have a surprise for you.
    • ▶️ Alright Jex... go have some fun.

    Killing an enemy

    • ▶️ r You thought you were winning?

    60% chance

    • ▶️ r We're a helluva team Jex, aren't we

    On cast

    • ▶️ Get to work Jex!
    • ▶️ Spread terror, Jex
    • ▶️ Our enemies will run before us.
    • ▶️ I'll show you something to be afraid of.
    • ▶️ Have you met my friend Jex yet?

    Leveling up

    • ▶️ Yes!
    • ▶️ We did it Jex!
    • ▶️ The more power the better...
    • ▶️ Let's see what we can take now....
    • ▶️ No one can stop us!
    • ▶️ Let's start some shenanigans, Jex
    • ▶️ I think a little mischief's in order...
    • ▶️ Good work Jex!
    • ▶️ The world will remember the name Mireska!
    • ▶️ I forge my own destiny...

    Killing an enemy

    • ▶️ A little mischief never killed anyone... well, you I guess.
    • ▶️ Stay down...
    • ▶️ That's what you get...
    • ▶️ Shoulda just let me have my fun...
    • ▶️ Tsk tsk tsk...
    • ▶️ Never had a chance...
    • ▶️ The Jasper Circle couldn't do it better...
    • ▶️ It was never going to end well for you...
    • ▶️ r No one stands in my way!
    • ▶️ What, you thought you would win?
    • ▶️ Oh we're just getting started...
    • ▶️ Only way this was gonna play out...
    • ▶️ Hahahaha!
    • ▶️ Hahahaha!
    • ▶️ Hah haha!
    • ▶️ Huh huh huh huh!
    • ▶️ Haha ha hahaha!
    • ▶️ Ha ha ha haha!
    • ▶️ Ah haha haha ha!
    • ▶️ Hahaha hahahaha!
    • ▶️ Hahahaha hahahahahaa!
    • ▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha ha haa!
    • ▶️ Haa hahahahahaha!
    • ▶️ Ahhhahahahahaha!

    30% chance

    • ▶️ r I suppose murder's not an honest living, but it pays the bills

    5% chance

    • ▶️ Hahahaha ah hahahaha ahh hahahaha!
    • ▶️ Huh huh haha ahhaha ahhahahaha!

    Killing a specific enemy
    25% chance

    • ▶️ Abaddon minimap icon.png r I'll steal the mist of Avernus for myself...
    • ▶️ Alchemist minimap icon.png r You shouldn't be carrying all that money around, Alchemist...
    • ▶️ Alchemist minimap icon.png r Shame you picked the wrong side, Alchemist.
    • ▶️ Ancient Apparition minimap icon.png r You never should have stuck your nose in my business, Kaldr!
    • ▶️ Anti-Mage minimap icon.png r You should have stuck with punching Invoker!
    • ▶️ Arc Warden minimap icon.png r I wasn't sure someone could annoy me more than Donté, but then you had to go talking in the third person.
    • ▶️ Axe minimap icon.png r Be grateful that I found you before Sorla did.
    • ▶️ Axe minimap icon.png r Aw face it Axe, you're nothing more than a dumb brute.
    • ▶️ Bane minimap icon.png r I'm not scared of you, Bane...
    • ▶️ Bane minimap icon.png r I'm putting you to sleep, Bane.
    • ▶️ Batrider minimap icon.png r Awww you got a lasso! That's adorable.
    • ▶️ Batrider minimap icon.png r You and your little pet should have stayed in the jungle.
    • ▶️ Beastmaster minimap icon.png r Your pet has nothing on mine...
    • ▶️ Bloodseeker minimap icon.png r I've been hunted by better.
    • ▶️ Bloodseeker minimap icon.png r You're an abomination, Bloodseeker.
    • ▶️ Bounty Hunter minimap icon.png r You're never cashing in that bounty...
    • ▶️ Brewmaster minimap icon.png r You're good at your job Brewmaster. Sorry it came to this.
    • ▶️ Brewmaster minimap icon.png r I'm not paying that tab!
    • ▶️ Bristleback minimap icon.png r It's a shame it came to this. We coulda had fun...
    • ▶️ Bristleback minimap icon.png r If I wanted a real challenge, I should have fought Tusk...
    • ▶️ Broodmother minimap icon.png r So you're the one Wukong is always going on and on about?
    • ▶️ Broodmother minimap icon.png r Your web has nothing on my thorns...
    • ▶️ Centaur Warrunner minimap icon.png r So much pride, so little talent.
    • ▶️ Centaur Warrunner minimap icon.png r You were the champion of the Omexe arena? Doesn't speak very highly of Centaurs.
    • ▶️ Chaos Knight minimap icon.png r There's only room for one agent of chaos on this battlefield...
    • ▶️ Chen minimap icon.png r No one tells me what to do!
    • ▶️ Chen minimap icon.png r I won't be your pawn!
    • ▶️ Clinkz minimap icon.png r Sorry hero.
    • ▶️ Clinkz minimap icon.png r Just accept your fate and die already!
    • ▶️ Clockwerk minimap icon.png r Cute cogs. Do you mind if I take one?
    • ▶️ Clockwerk minimap icon.png r You keenfolk are nothing without your toys!
    • ▶️ Crystal Maiden minimap icon.png r You're the Warden of Icewrack? Please...
    • ▶️ Crystal Maiden minimap icon.png r You're nothing but a two-bit talent that stumbled onto a title.
    • ▶️ Dark Seer minimap icon.png r Tactician? Hardly.
    • ▶️ Dark Seer minimap icon.png r All your little mind games didn't add up to a whole lot did they, Dark Seer?
    • ▶️ Dazzle minimap icon.png r Keep your hoogidy-boo away from me!
    • ▶️ Dazzle minimap icon.png r Shoulda looked after yourself instead of worrying about your friends...
    • ▶️ Death Prophet minimap icon.png r Sweetie, your name is richly ironic.
    • ▶️ Death Prophet minimap icon.png r I hate spirits.
    • ▶️ Disruptor minimap icon.png r You shoulda joined the Red Mist... At least then you'd learn how to fight.
    • ▶️ Doom minimap icon.png r I'm not meeting my end here!
    • ▶️ Doom minimap icon.png r My soul is stayin' right where it belongs...
    • ▶️ Dragon Knight minimap icon.png r Another do-gooder put in their place.
    • ▶️ Drow Ranger minimap icon.png r Your friends couldn't save ya.
    • ▶️ Drow Ranger minimap icon.png r Some huntress you are...
    • ▶️ Earth Spirit minimap icon.png r Your brothers would be disappointed in you...
    • ▶️ Earth Spirit minimap icon.png r You think a rock could ever catch me?
    • ▶️ Earthshaker minimap icon.png r No one bars my path...
    • ▶️ Earthshaker minimap icon.png r I'm takin' your little drum for my collection.
    • ▶️ Elder Titan minimap icon.png r Shoulda stuck to your forge!
    • ▶️ Elder Titan minimap icon.png r God you're old.
    • ▶️ Ember Spirit minimap icon.png r You'll never be as quick as me.
    • ▶️ Ember Spirit minimap icon.png r Sorry you won't make it to the family reunion.
    • ▶️ Enchantress minimap icon.png r I could smash your saccharine face over and over.
    • ▶️ Enchantress minimap icon.png r How well did that positive outlook help you?
    • ▶️ Enigma minimap icon.png r Tell me your secrets!
    • ▶️ Enigma minimap icon.png r I want the power you hold Enigma!
    • ▶️ Faceless Void minimap icon.png r Some time lord you turned out to be...
    • ▶️ Faceless Void minimap icon.png r I never feared the void.
    • ▶️ Gyrocopter minimap icon.png r I'll never get tired of doing that.
    • ▶️ Huskar minimap icon.png r You're just a pawn of the gods, Huskar.
    • ▶️ Invoker minimap icon.png r Everyone hates you, Invoker. Everyone.
    • ▶️ Invoker minimap icon.png r You talk too much.
    • ▶️ Io minimap icon.png r Lights out.
    • ▶️ Jakiro minimap icon.png r Two heads, no skill.
    • ▶️ Jakiro minimap icon.png r I'm gonna make a jaunty little hat out of you...
    • ▶️ Juggernaut minimap icon.png r Where'd all that honor get you?
    • ▶️ Juggernaut minimap icon.png r That mask will fetch a high price.
    • ▶️ Keeper of the Light minimap icon.png r Fundamentals... I don't see what the big deal is...
    • ▶️ Keeper of the Light minimap icon.png r Shiny.
    • ▶️ Kunkka minimap icon.png r You were supposed to go down with your ship...
    • ▶️ Legion Commander minimap icon.png r Stonehall has blood on its hands.
    • ▶️ Legion Commander minimap icon.png r I lived in Revtel long enough to know the difference between order and tyranny.
    • ▶️ Leshrac minimap icon.png r I'm a mischief maker... not a sadist.
    • ▶️ Leshrac minimap icon.png r You're a blight on this world, Leshrac!
    • ▶️ Lich minimap icon.png r Some power isn't worth the price, Lich.
    • ▶️ Lich minimap icon.png r You should be used to dyin' by now, Lich.
    • ▶️ Lifestealer minimap icon.png r I'm not ending up like you!
    • ▶️ Lifestealer minimap icon.png r Stay away from me!
    • ▶️ Lina minimap icon.png r Guess you're not that much of a bad girl after all.
    • ▶️ Lina minimap icon.png r All that bluster and you're just a sad little girl.
    • ▶️ Lion minimap icon.png r I heard of you Lion... you're a monster.
    • ▶️ Lion minimap icon.png r I'll take that arm for myself!
    • ▶️ Lone Druid minimap icon.png r You should have kept to yourself.
    • ▶️ Lone Druid minimap icon.png r At least you didn't die alone.
    • ▶️ Luna minimap icon.png r People don't change, Luna!
    • ▶️ Luna minimap icon.png r Stop peddling your little redemption story.
    • ▶️ Luna minimap icon.png r Selemene never should've chosen you.
    • ▶️ Lycan minimap icon.png r You never stood a chance.
    • ▶️ Lycan minimap icon.png r I'll bury you with the rest of your family.
    • ▶️ Magnus minimap icon.png r I know just the person to move your horn.
    • ▶️ Magnus minimap icon.png r Jex, when this is over remind me to go back for his horn.
    • ▶️ Medusa minimap icon.png r Nice hair.
    • ▶️ Medusa minimap icon.png r Eh. Sorry, snake lady.
    • ▶️ Meepo minimap icon.png r Please don't be salty about the whole murder thing. You'll be back on your feet soon.
    • ▶️ Meepo minimap icon.png r Sorry Meepo. When this is all over I'll buy you a beer, ok?
    • ▶️ Mirana minimap icon.png r Selemene deserves better protectors.
    • ▶️ Mirana minimap icon.png r You're not in my league, Mirana.
    • ▶️ Monkey King minimap icon.png r Shoulda hid as a tree.
    • ▶️ Monkey King minimap icon.png r Next time run away on your little cloud.
    • ▶️ Morphling minimap icon.png r Your tricks can't stop me, Morphling...
    • ▶️ Morphling minimap icon.png r You're a second rate elemental.
    • ▶️ Naga Siren minimap icon.png r Song's over.
    • ▶️ Naga Siren minimap icon.png r You're done singing.
    • ▶️ Nature's Prophet minimap icon.png r You think trees are going to stop me?
    • ▶️ Nature's Prophet minimap icon.png r I'm not afraid of the forest, Prophet.
    • ▶️ Necrophos minimap icon.png r Don't touch me!
    • ▶️ Necrophos minimap icon.png r Next time, try to use the scythe.
    • ▶️ Night Stalker minimap icon.png r The night is my dominion.
    • ▶️ Night Stalker minimap icon.png r No one hunts me.
    • ▶️ Nyx Assassin minimap icon.png r Ugh. I hate bugs.
    • ▶️ Nyx Assassin minimap icon.png r Better things than you have tried, Nyx.
    • ▶️ Ogre Magi minimap icon.png r It's unfortunate you picked the wrong side... you would have made a great henchman.
    • ▶️ Ogre Magi minimap icon.png r Just stop arguing with each other and die already!
    • ▶️ Omniknight minimap icon.png r Next time, worry about saving yourself.
    • ▶️ Omniknight minimap icon.png r Better luck next time, Omniknight.
    • ▶️ Oracle minimap icon.png r Too easy.
    • ▶️ Oracle minimap icon.png r I don't need to see the future. My victory is inevitable.
    • ▶️ Outworld Destroyer minimap icon.png r You never should have come here!
    • ▶️ Outworld Destroyer minimap icon.png r Go back where you're from!
    • ▶️ Pangolier minimap icon.png r All that bravado, but no real talent..
    • ▶️ Phantom Assassin minimap icon.png r You're being used Mortred!
    • ▶️ Phantom Assassin minimap icon.png r You think you're the first assassin to come for me?
    • ▶️ Phantom Lancer minimap icon.png r All your gifts, and you squander them on heroism.
    • ▶️ Phantom Lancer minimap icon.png r You think you can fool me?
    • ▶️ Phoenix minimap icon.png r At least you dreamed big.
    • ▶️ Phoenix minimap icon.png r You're just not good enough, Phoenix.
    • ▶️ Puck minimap icon.png r I warned you before. Stay out of my way!
    • ▶️ Puck minimap icon.png r I'm tired of you meddling in my business, Puck.
    • ▶️ Pudge minimap icon.png r Sorry, butcher.
    • ▶️ Pudge minimap icon.png r I hope you rot here.
    • ▶️ Pugna minimap icon.png r You've gone too far, Pugna!
    • ▶️ Pugna minimap icon.png r Go back to Oblivion!
    • ▶️ Queen of Pain minimap icon.png r Lady, you're a walking cliché.
    • ▶️ Queen of Pain minimap icon.png r You give the rest of us naughty girls a bad name.
    • ▶️ Razor minimap icon.png r I don't fear you, Razor.
    • ▶️ Razor minimap icon.png r Learn to use that whip better.
    • ▶️ Riki minimap icon.png r You made your choice Riki, and I made mine.
    • ▶️ Riki minimap icon.png r We could have been friends, Riki.
    • ▶️ Rubick minimap icon.png r Give me that staff, Rubick
    • ▶️ Rubick minimap icon.png r I want your father's secrets!
    • ▶️ Sand King minimap icon.png r Stay down.
    • ▶️ Sand King minimap icon.png r That's what you get for trying to sneak up on me.
    • ▶️ Shadow Demon minimap icon.png r Everything you offer has strings attached...
    • ▶️ Shadow Demon minimap icon.png r I'm not joining your little cult.
    • ▶️ Shadow Fiend minimap icon.png r I'm not going to join your little collection...
    • ▶️ Shadow Fiend minimap icon.png r Sorry, Shadow Fiend, today's not your day.
    • ▶️ Shadow Shaman minimap icon.png r Professional courtesy only goes so far.
    • ▶️ Shadow Shaman minimap icon.png r It was you or me Rhasta, I'm sorry.
    • ▶️ Silencer minimap icon.png r I'm not going to the Tyler Estate!
    • ▶️ Silencer minimap icon.png r You'll never take me, Silencer!
    • ▶️ Skywrath Mage minimap icon.png r This is a mercy.
    • ▶️ Skywrath Mage minimap icon.png r Stop talking.
    • ▶️ Slardar minimap icon.png r Better death than Dark Reef.
    • ▶️ Slardar minimap icon.png r Should have stayed in the Depths...
    • ▶️ Slark minimap icon.png r You couldn't hide forever...
    • ▶️ Slark minimap icon.png r Looks like you're not as good as you thought you were...
    • ▶️ Sniper minimap icon.png r Die you little runt...
    • ▶️ Sniper minimap icon.png r That gun was never gonna help ya...
    • ▶️ Spectre minimap icon.png r I'm putting you to rest.
    • ▶️ Spectre minimap icon.png r Good night, Spectre.
    • ▶️ Spirit Breaker minimap icon.png r Try finesse next time.
    • ▶️ Spirit Breaker minimap icon.png r You're just a charging brute.
    • ▶️ Storm Spirit minimap icon.png r All sound, no fury.
    • ▶️ Storm Spirit minimap icon.png r Shame you couldn't back up what you were saying.
    • ▶️ Sven minimap icon.png r That's the best you could do, Sven?
    • ▶️ Sven minimap icon.png r I was expecting more from you, Sven.
    • ▶️ Techies minimap icon.png r You're more annoying than I am.
    • ▶️ Techies minimap icon.png r I'm breaking your toys.
    • ▶️ Templar Assassin minimap icon.png r You think you could trap me?
    • ▶️ Templar Assassin minimap icon.png r You'll never outwit me, Lanaya.
    • ▶️ Terrorblade minimap icon.png r Parlor tricks don't impress me, Terrorblade.
    • ▶️ Tidehunter minimap icon.png r I'm haunted by Kunkka thanks to you!
    • ▶️ Timbersaw minimap icon.png r Ehaha. That's all your armor can do?
    • ▶️ Timbersaw minimap icon.png r I'm not some tree that'll stand still...
    • ▶️ Tinker minimap icon.png r Your little machines are no match for Jex.
    • ▶️ Tinker minimap icon.png r You think I'm scared of robots? You know how much time I spent in Iron Fog?
    • ▶️ Tiny minimap icon.png r I don't care how big you get, you're not gonna stop me.
    • ▶️ Tiny minimap icon.png r A little humility is good for ya, Tiny.
    • ▶️ Treant Protector minimap icon.png r Leaving Roseleaf was a mistake.
    • ▶️ Treant Protector minimap icon.png r You can't even save yourself.
    • ▶️ Troll Warlord minimap icon.png r You think a brute like you could stop me?
    • ▶️ Tusk minimap icon.png r You're not half the man Bristleback is.
    • ▶️ Tusk minimap icon.png r I'm gonna turn you into a nice coat.
    • ▶️ Underlord minimap icon.png r You're repugnant.
    • ▶️ Underlord minimap icon.png r I'm not going anywhere with you!
    • ▶️ Undying minimap icon.png r Just stay dead!
    • ▶️ Undying minimap icon.png r I'm not returning what I stole.
    • ▶️ Ursa minimap icon.png r You were never gonna stop me.
    • ▶️ Ursa minimap icon.png r You're second rate Ursa. Deal with it.
    • ▶️ Vengeful Spirit minimap icon.png r Vengeance gets you nowhere.
    • ▶️ Vengeful Spirit minimap icon.png r That's what you get when you take things too personal.
    • ▶️ Venomancer minimap icon.png r Your wards couldn't save you!
    • ▶️ Venomancer minimap icon.png r You never were going to win this fight.
    • ▶️ Viper minimap icon.png r I'm supposed to be scared of a little acid?
    • ▶️ Viper minimap icon.png r You're not a predator, you're a weed.
    • ▶️ Visage minimap icon.png r I won't go to the Narrow Maze!
    • ▶️ Warlock minimap icon.png r Your magic isn't strong enough Warlock!
    • ▶️ Warlock minimap icon.png r You thought that golem would protect you?
    • ▶️ Weaver minimap icon.png r You don't control creation Weaver...
    • ▶️ Weaver minimap icon.png r My life is my own Weaver, I'm not a piece of your tapestry.
    • ▶️ Windranger minimap icon.png r Shut up already!
    • ▶️ Windranger minimap icon.png r At least Drow would have put up a fight.
    • ▶️ Winter Wyvern minimap icon.png r You forgot what you are...
    • ▶️ Winter Wyvern minimap icon.png r You traded your power for a pen? Pathetic.
    • ▶️ Winter Wyvern minimap icon.png r You're a poet not a fighter.
    • ▶️ Witch Doctor minimap icon.png r This isn't personal.
    • ▶️ Witch Doctor minimap icon.png r Sorry, doc.
    • ▶️ Wraith King minimap icon.png r I've seen what rulers like you are like... you deserved to die.
    • ▶️ Wraith King minimap icon.png r Death is too good for you Ostarion.
    • ▶️ Zeus minimap icon.png r That's the best a god can do?
    • ▶️ Zeus minimap icon.png r I always wanted to defeat a god.

    First Blood

    • ▶️ I'm just getting started.
    • ▶️ Just like Lorlin showed me...

    25% chance

    • ▶️ It was inevitable...
    • ▶️ Ohhh I love the sound of money...
    • ▶️ I can take care of myself...

    Meeting an enemy

    Before the 20 minute mark, within 1000 radius
    25% chance

    Meeting an ally

    During earlygame, within 1000 radius
    30% chance

    • ▶️ Abaddon minimap icon.png r Soo, the mist of Avernus... can I have some?
    • ▶️ Abaddon minimap icon.png r I like you. Every entrance you make is terribly dramatic.
    • ▶️ Alchemist minimap icon.png r I love your money.
    • ▶️ Alchemist minimap icon.png r Ya know, the best part of being your friend is that when I rob you. Who cares? You can make more.
    • ▶️ Ancient Apparition minimap icon.png r You're not much of a people person are you?
    • ▶️ Ancient Apparition minimap icon.png r I'm not sure if the shivers I'm feeling are nerves, or just being around you.
    • ▶️ Anti-Mage minimap icon.png r Heard you were Silencer's errand boy now? True?
    • ▶️ Anti-Mage minimap icon.png r Word is the Tyler Estate has you on retainer.
    • ▶️ Arc Warden minimap icon.png r If you were so good at your job how did the Ancients escape?
    • ▶️ Arc Warden minimap icon.png r Warden, your jurisdiction stops at the Mad Moon, right?
    • ▶️ Axe minimap icon.png r So Axe, you betrayed your own people... I can respect that.
    • ▶️ Axe minimap icon.png r Hey Axe, is Khan a last name, or more of a title thing?
    • ▶️ Bane minimap icon.png r Hey Bane, have you seen what they do to people in Iron Fog? It'd be great research for that nightmare thing you do.
    • ▶️ Bane minimap icon.png r So... Bane... You're scary.
    • ▶️ Batrider minimap icon.png r I've been to Yama Raskav, awful place. Good on ya for leaving.
    • ▶️ Batrider minimap icon.png r I'll be honest Batrider, I hate it when you talk, but I respect that you take care of your mount.
    • ▶️ Beastmaster minimap icon.png r Look, he may be loyal, but I don't care what you say, that thing isn't a boar.
    • ▶️ Beastmaster minimap icon.png r Take it from a lady. Lose the beard.
    • ▶️ Bloodseeker minimap icon.png r Sooo if I give you a list of enemies could you like, hunt them down for me?
    • ▶️ Bloodseeker minimap icon.png r I saw you years ago in Roseleaf, kept my distance though. Ya know, so I wouldn't get murdered.
    • ▶️ Bounty Hunter minimap icon.png r Oh look. It's Gondar. You survived. Great.
    • ▶️ Bounty Hunter minimap icon.png r I'm never going back to Revtel, Gondar. Try to force me and you're a dead man.
    • ▶️ Brewmaster minimap icon.png r You got a flask on ya?
    • ▶️ Brewmaster minimap icon.png r Tonight we're getting loaded right?
    • ▶️ Bristleback minimap icon.png r When this over whaddya say we go to the pub and pick a fight?
    • ▶️ Bristleback minimap icon.png r If you have the time, I'd love for you to give me some pointers on my right hook.
    • ▶️ Bristleback minimap icon.png r You know what I love about you? Donté hates you.
    • ▶️ Broodmother minimap icon.png r I don't suppose if I asked real nicely you'd make me a hammock?
    • ▶️ Broodmother minimap icon.png r I'm not tellin' ya something ya don't already know, but the Monkey King... Tchk. Not a fan.
    • ▶️ Centaur Warrunner minimap icon.png r So, how much is the purse you get for winning in Omexe?
    • ▶️ Centaur Warrunner minimap icon.png r If you ever want to move that championship belt for some quick gold, I know a guy.
    • ▶️ Chaos Knight minimap icon.png r You and me are gonna get along just fine.
    • ▶️ Chaos Knight minimap icon.png r I'm not trying to tell a Fundamental how to do their job, but you really need to step up your chaos game.
    • ▶️ Chen minimap icon.png r You gotta teach me that mind control trick.
    • ▶️ Chen minimap icon.png r Chen, I'm tellin ya, you and me could make a killing in White Spire.
    • ▶️ Clinkz minimap icon.png r You ever been to Quoidge? You'd fit right in.
    • ▶️ Clinkz minimap icon.png r I heard about you Clinkz. Your story really taught me why I should never try to be a hero.
    • ▶️ Clockwerk minimap icon.png r You're not friends with Mazzie are you? I hate that little runt.
    • ▶️ Clockwerk minimap icon.png r I don't know how close you are to Timbersaw, but if you care about his safety tell him to stay clear of Roseleaf.
    • ▶️ Crystal Maiden minimap icon.png r Soo I don't suppose you could talk to Auroth and get her to let me take a peek at her treasure trove?
    • ▶️ Crystal Maiden minimap icon.png r You friends with any Sapphire Archons? I have some, uh, issues that I would love to have smoothed out.
    • ▶️ Dark Seer minimap icon.png r I'd love to pick your brain on how to rob Weeping Rose.
    • ▶️ Dark Seer minimap icon.png r You're a tactician. What did you make of the Vhoul Rebellion?
    • ▶️ Dazzle minimap icon.png r You're a creepy little man, you know that?
    • ▶️ Dazzle minimap icon.png r I don't suppose I could keep you on retainer? I have a vested interest in cheating death.
    • ▶️ Death Prophet minimap icon.png r So can you fly through walls? Cause if so you'd make a helluva second-story man.
    • ▶️ Death Prophet minimap icon.png r I could listen to you talk for hours.
    • ▶️ Disruptor minimap icon.png r You're much more reasonable than Sorla.
    • ▶️ Disruptor minimap icon.png r You're the first Oglodi I met that isn't a raving murder machine.
    • ▶️ Doom minimap icon.png r Don't take it the wrong way, but I try not to traffic with demons.
    • ▶️ Doom minimap icon.png r So. Doom. Mm, that name is... descriptive.
    • ▶️ Dragon Knight minimap icon.png r Know of any good treasure we can steal when this is all over?
    • ▶️ Dragon Knight minimap icon.png r You ready to pick a fight, Davion?
    • ▶️ Drow Ranger minimap icon.png r How's Pudge and Slark doing?
    • ▶️ Drow Ranger minimap icon.png r I heard Windranger complaining about you being aloof and unfeeling... We should get along just fine.
    • ▶️ Earth Spirit minimap icon.png r You don't have a fifth brother hiding somewhere too, right?
    • ▶️ Earth Spirit minimap icon.png r I'd love to know what the four of you were like growing up.
    • ▶️ Earthshaker minimap icon.png r We're gonna make em hate us.
    • ▶️ Earthshaker minimap icon.png r Glad you're on my side.
    • ▶️ Elder Titan minimap icon.png r So... You made creation... That's something.
    • ▶️ Elder Titan minimap icon.png r You're not a whole barrel of laughs are ya.
    • ▶️ Ember Spirit minimap icon.png r You start the fire, and I'll fan the flames.
    • ▶️ Ember Spirit minimap icon.png r We're gonna get in trooouble.
    • ▶️ Enchantress minimap icon.png r You're like a children's book made flesh.
    • ▶️ Enchantress minimap icon.png r Marks like you are just so trusting. I love it.
    • ▶️ Enigma minimap icon.png r The way you trapped that alchemist? Classic.
    • ▶️ Enigma minimap icon.png r You're a fun one, Enigma.
    • ▶️ Faceless Void minimap icon.png r So, Faceless Void... This is certainly the first time we've met.
    • ▶️ Faceless Void minimap icon.png r Huh. I heard you looked like a lobster. I'm disappointed.
    • ▶️ Gyrocopter minimap icon.png r I don't get why everyone hates you. You seem lovely.
    • ▶️ Gyrocopter minimap icon.png r Come on... Let me fly that thing.
    • ▶️ Huskar minimap icon.png r You won't see me willing to die for my people.
    • ▶️ Huskar minimap icon.png r Ya know, I think I'll skip the Nothl Realm.
    • ▶️ Invoker minimap icon.png r Just between you and me, I'm pretty sure Axe wants to beat you stupid.
    • ▶️ Invoker minimap icon.png r You remind me of my tutors. I hated my tutors.
    • ▶️ Io minimap icon.png r Whatcha think Jex, you want a roommate?
    • ▶️ Io minimap icon.png r Awwww Jex, I think Io likes you.
    • ▶️ Jakiro minimap icon.png r You ready to have some fun, Jakiro?
    • ▶️ Jakiro minimap icon.png r You know in Revtel, Pyrexae is a great delicacy.
    • ▶️ Juggernaut minimap icon.png r Juggernaut. Always so serious.
    • ▶️ Juggernaut minimap icon.png r I wish I was the last of my kind.
    • ▶️ Keeper of the Light minimap icon.png r Wow, you're old.
    • ▶️ Keeper of the Light minimap icon.png r Keeper of the light... That job sounds... Boring.
    • ▶️ Kunkka minimap icon.png r Well hello, Captain.
    • ▶️ Kunkka minimap icon.png r Cute scar... How'd you get it?
    • ▶️ Legion Commander minimap icon.png r Don't expect me to play by your rules, and, uh, we'll get along just fine.
    • ▶️ Legion Commander minimap icon.png r Rix is gonna kill you.
    • ▶️ Leshrac minimap icon.png r The less you talk to me the better.
    • ▶️ Leshrac minimap icon.png r Let's just get this over with Leshrac.
    • ▶️ Lich minimap icon.png r So you're that cautionary tale Donté keeps harping at me about.
    • ▶️ Lich minimap icon.png r Cool skull.
    • ▶️ Lifestealer minimap icon.png r Look I'm not trying to tell you how to live your life. But moisturize.
    • ▶️ Lifestealer minimap icon.png r Please don't murder me.
    • ▶️ Lina minimap icon.png r I know a thing or two about hating family, Lina.
    • ▶️ Lina minimap icon.png r Your sister's not the enemy. It's your parents that drove you apart.
    • ▶️ Lion minimap icon.png r They say you're a hunted man. I can relate.
    • ▶️ Lion minimap icon.png r So long as you don't point your finger at me, we'll get along just fine.
    • ▶️ Lone Druid minimap icon.png r Can I pet your bear?
    • ▶️ Lone Druid minimap icon.png r So does your pet have a name? Spirit Bear is rather impersonal.
    • ▶️ Luna minimap icon.png r I can't place your accent, where ya from?
    • ▶️ Luna minimap icon.png r How's that penitent thing workin' out for ya?
    • ▶️ Lycan minimap icon.png r I'm just trying to work this out. You're sad your family's dead?
    • ▶️ Lycan minimap icon.png r Heard Slom was quite the place back in the day
    • ▶️ Magnus minimap icon.png r If you die, can I have your horn?
    • ▶️ Magnus minimap icon.png r You know what your horn is going for nowadays?
    • ▶️ Medusa minimap icon.png r I heard a rumor of some gorgons being moved through Weeping Rose.
    • ▶️ Medusa minimap icon.png r Don't be offended if I don't look at you.
    • ▶️ Meepo minimap icon.png r Listen Meepo, I'm not saying the Jasper Circle wants to kill you. I'm just saying that they're losing faith you're going to pay them back.
    • ▶️ Meepo minimap icon.png r When the battle's done you and me are going to White Spire to play the Couriers.
    • ▶️ Mirana minimap icon.png r You don't actually trust Luna, do you?
    • ▶️ Mirana minimap icon.png r Cute cat.
    • ▶️ Monkey King minimap icon.png r So you're the chatty little rodent man everyone's been talking about.
    • ▶️ Monkey King minimap icon.png r Now walk me through this: You have your staff. But you still have to buy your staff.
    • ▶️ Morphling minimap icon.png r Never stop changing, Morphling.
    • ▶️ Morphling minimap icon.png r I think it's great you keep reinventing yourself.
    • ▶️ Naga Siren minimap icon.png r We're going to ruin their day.
    • ▶️ Naga Siren minimap icon.png r Come on Siren, it's time to frustrate the hell outta people.
    • ▶️ Nature's Prophet minimap icon.png r I'm more of a city girl meself.
    • ▶️ Nature's Prophet minimap icon.png r I know you like making trees. I don't suppose you can add an addition to my little hollow?
    • ▶️ Necrophos minimap icon.png r You really need a new moniker. Pope of Pestilence isn't as intimidating as you think it is.
    • ▶️ Necrophos minimap icon.png r Ooh, you're an ugly lookin' bastard aren't ya?
    • ▶️ Night Stalker minimap icon.png r We're going to own the night.
    • ▶️ Night Stalker minimap icon.png r We'll hunt them all down.
    • ▶️ Nyx Assassin minimap icon.png r You ever work with the Jasper Circle?
    • ▶️ Nyx Assassin minimap icon.png r They'll never see us coming.
    • ▶️ Ogre Magi minimap icon.png r You'd make great hired muscle.
    • ▶️ Ogre Magi minimap icon.png r Hey Ogre, when this is all over I'd love to pick your brain about arson.
    • ▶️ Omniknight minimap icon.png r Oh, great. Another religious zealot.
    • ▶️ Omniknight minimap icon.png r So long as you keep me alive I'll put up with all your spiritual malarky.
    • ▶️ Oracle minimap icon.png r You and I could make a killing Oracle.
    • ▶️ Oracle minimap icon.png r Hey Oracle, I'm not going to die today, am I?
    • ▶️ Outworld Destroyer minimap icon.png r Look, I don't know if they have gold where you're from but in case they don't, the little metal coins laying around are useless. Just let me collect them.
    • ▶️ Outworld Destroyer minimap icon.png r Let's lock 'em down.
    • ▶️ Pangolier minimap icon.png r See Donté, I'm not all bad...
    • ▶️ Pangolier minimap icon.png r Don't get too excited... This partnership won't last long.
    • ▶️ Phantom Assassin minimap icon.png r I don't think your little sorority is for me.
    • ▶️ Phantom Assassin minimap icon.png r You really do whatever that list tells you to do?
    • ▶️ Phantom Lancer minimap icon.png r Oh, what I wouldn't give to make more of me.
    • ▶️ Phantom Lancer minimap icon.png r Aw, I don't have time for one of your lectures, Azwraith.
    • ▶️ Phoenix minimap icon.png r Listen, we all come back from the dead, I don't get what the big deal is.
    • ▶️ Phoenix minimap icon.png r Just let me pluck one feather. Please?
    • ▶️ Puck minimap icon.png r You're a chaotic little creature, Puck.
    • ▶️ Puck minimap icon.png r Strange bedfellows, eh Puck?
    • ▶️ Pudge minimap icon.png r Quoidge is a lovely little town, Pudge.
    • ▶️ Pudge minimap icon.png r You're a gentleman Pudge, don't let anyone tell you different.
    • ▶️ Pugna minimap icon.png r You're a dangerous little man. I like that.
    • ▶️ Pugna minimap icon.png r Be careful Pugna. If you burn down the world, there's nothing left to play with.
    • ▶️ Queen of Pain minimap icon.png r The boys are gonna love us.
    • ▶️ Queen of Pain minimap icon.png r We're gonna have some fuuuuunnnn.
    • ▶️ Razor minimap icon.png r Just promise me if I die you'll let me out of the Narrow Maze.
    • ▶️ Razor minimap icon.png r Wukong was talking a whole lotta trash about you being bad at your job.
    • ▶️ Riki minimap icon.png r You work with the Jasper Circle, right?
    • ▶️ Riki minimap icon.png r How's Lasan doing?
    • ▶️ Rubick minimap icon.png r How's living in your father's shadow treating you?
    • ▶️ Rubick minimap icon.png r Rubick, you're no enigma. You're a sad little boy looking for approval.
    • ▶️ Sand King minimap icon.png r Not much of a people person are you?
    • ▶️ Sand King minimap icon.png r If you're a pile of living sand, why are you stuck as an arachnid all the time?
    • ▶️ Shadow Demon minimap icon.png r I try not to get involved with demonic politics.
    • ▶️ Shadow Demon minimap icon.png r I don't want any of your gifts, Demon.
    • ▶️ Shadow Fiend minimap icon.png r Can we agree to leave my soul right where it is?
    • ▶️ Shadow Fiend minimap icon.png r Father always warned me not to traffic with Demons. So...
    • ▶️ Shadow Shaman minimap icon.png r I like your hustle, Shaman.
    • ▶️ Shadow Shaman minimap icon.png r We need to come up with a schedule for who gets to hit what city. Last time we overlapped it was trouble for both of us.
    • ▶️ Silencer minimap icon.png r How's teaming up with Anti-Mage working out for you?
    • ▶️ Silencer minimap icon.png r When the battle's over, we go our separate ways. Understood?
    • ▶️ Skywrath Mage minimap icon.png r You're nothing but a puppet, bird man.
    • ▶️ Skywrath Mage minimap icon.png r Your devotion is nauseating.
    • ▶️ Slardar minimap icon.png r You don't belong here, Slardar.
    • ▶️ Slardar minimap icon.png r Stick to the depths, Slardar. There's a lot of naughty things on the surface.
    • ▶️ Slark minimap icon.png r You gotta tell me about Dark Reef sometime.
    • ▶️ Slark minimap icon.png r The Monkey King is taking credit for your escape again.
    • ▶️ Sniper minimap icon.png r Cover me, Sniper.
    • ▶️ Sniper minimap icon.png r Nice to have you watching my back.
    • ▶️ Spectre minimap icon.png r Other people might not understand you, but I do.
    • ▶️ Spectre minimap icon.png r If you need anything, just wail.
    • ▶️ Spirit Breaker minimap icon.png r I'll follow your lead, big guy.
    • ▶️ Spirit Breaker minimap icon.png r Time to cause some trouble, eh Spirit Breaker?
    • ▶️ Storm Spirit minimap icon.png r You're a lot more fun than your brothers.
    • ▶️ Storm Spirit minimap icon.png r You seem game for a laugh.
    • ▶️ Sven minimap icon.png r Good on you for standing up for yourself.
    • ▶️ Sven minimap icon.png r Nice to have the knights of the Vigil on my side for a change.
    • ▶️ Techies minimap icon.png r You boys are trouble.
    • ▶️ Techies minimap icon.png r Come on, boys. Let's make their lives hell.
    • ▶️ Templar Assassin minimap icon.png r Tell me you're not still hung up on Yurnero.
    • ▶️ Templar Assassin minimap icon.png r Ready to lay some traps?
    • ▶️ Terrorblade minimap icon.png r So what should I call you? Terrorblade doesn't exactly roll off the tongue.
    • ▶️ Terrorblade minimap icon.png r How'd you escape the Foulfell?
    • ▶️ Tidehunter minimap icon.png r I still have dreams of that day at sea, Tidehunter.
    • ▶️ Tidehunter minimap icon.png r This isn't a partnership, Tidehunter. Never forget that.
    • ▶️ Timbersaw minimap icon.png r You're absolutely mad, you know that?
    • ▶️ Timbersaw minimap icon.png r You better not come near my hollow.
    • ▶️ Tinker minimap icon.png r Word of advice... Never visit Iron Fog.
    • ▶️ Tinker minimap icon.png r I've been around machines my whole life. They don't impress me.
    • ▶️ Tiny minimap icon.png r Hey little fella.
    • ▶️ Tiny minimap icon.png r I can't wait to watch you become the bruiser you're meant to be.
    • ▶️ Treant Protector minimap icon.png r You ready to work together?
    • ▶️ Treant Protector minimap icon.png r I admire what you did in Roseleaf. I mean, it was stupid, but admirable.
    • ▶️ Troll Warlord minimap icon.png r Ready to hurt some people.
    • ▶️ Troll Warlord minimap icon.png r Let's go make a mess.
    • ▶️ Tusk minimap icon.png r So. Tusk. I heard Bristleback beat you stupid.
    • ▶️ Tusk minimap icon.png r Both sides say they won that fight, but I know who I believe.
    • ▶️ Underlord minimap icon.png r Wow, you're big.
    • ▶️ Underlord minimap icon.png r Please don't eat me.
    • ▶️ Undying minimap icon.png r I'm just saying if you don't want your tomb robbed, don't put stuff in it that people want to steal.
    • ▶️ Undying minimap icon.png r Just remember we're on the same side, ok.
    • ▶️ Ursa minimap icon.png r You don't seem particularly cuddly.
    • ▶️ Ursa minimap icon.png r Anyone ever mistake you for Lone Druid's pet?
    • ▶️ Vengeful Spirit minimap icon.png r I'd be careful about being driven by revenge. It makes you predictable.
    • ▶️ Vengeful Spirit minimap icon.png r You don't have a problem with me, right?
    • ▶️ Venomancer minimap icon.png r You're a nasty little creature.
    • ▶️ Venomancer minimap icon.png r Try not to drip on me.
    • ▶️ Viper minimap icon.png r You're not a whole lot of fun to be around, Viper.
    • ▶️ Viper minimap icon.png r Don't be getting any ideas, Jex.
    • ▶️ Visage minimap icon.png r You and Razor need a new hobby.
    • ▶️ Visage minimap icon.png r Don't take it personal, but after today I hope I never see you again.
    • ▶️ Warlock minimap icon.png r Jex is my friend. You're just a two-bit slaver.
    • ▶️ Warlock minimap icon.png r I'm nothing like you, Warlock.
    • ▶️ Weaver minimap icon.png r They say you weave the future. What's in store for me?
    • ▶️ Weaver minimap icon.png r Ever think about taking up knitting?
    • ▶️ Windranger minimap icon.png r Spare me the rah-rah hero speech, ok?
    • ▶️ Windranger minimap icon.png r You're not gonna get there first.
    • ▶️ Winter Wyvern minimap icon.png r I'd love to see what books you have in your collection. I'm sure there's some that would fetch a great price in Weeping Rose.
    • ▶️ Winter Wyvern minimap icon.png r Do me a favor and eat Crystal Maiden sometime, ok?
    • ▶️ Witch Doctor minimap icon.png r You're a strange one aren't you.
    • ▶️ Witch Doctor minimap icon.png r Let's keep each other safe.
    • ▶️ Wraith King minimap icon.png r You're not a king, you're a despot.
    • ▶️ Wraith King minimap icon.png r You would have fit right in at Revtel.
    • ▶️ Zeus minimap icon.png r Don't you go getting morals on me, Zeus.
    • ▶️ Zeus minimap icon.png r Trust me, you're better off without the wife.

    Last hitting

    60 seconds cooldown

    • ▶️ I love that sound...
    • ▶️ Let's get paid Jex.
    • ▶️ Let's keep the money coming.
    • ▶️ r Easiest gold I've made all day.
    • ▶️ No one hands me anything... I earned this.
    • ▶️ r I don't need my father's money, I make my own.
    • ▶️ I take what's mine.
    • ▶️ Too easy.
    • ▶️ I could do this all day.
    • ▶️ 120 Not bad if I do say so myself...
    • ▶️ r All in a day's work.
    • ▶️ The more money the better.
    • ▶️ u That scepter isn't gonna pay for itself...
    • ▶️ Better you than me.
    • ▶️ 120 Thanks for the cash.
    • ▶️ 120 I'll take that.
    • ▶️ r Thanks for holding my money for me.
    • ▶️ That's more like it...

    40% chance

    • ▶️ r This is going swimmingly, ain't it Jex?


    Requires visible enemy player within 1000 radius, 60 seconds cooldown

    • ▶️ I don't think so.
    • ▶️ Nonono.
    • ▶️ No money for you.
    • ▶️ r Whoops.
    • ▶️ Sorry.
    • ▶️ Denied.
    • ▶️ r Oh sorry...
    • ▶️ Oh , did you want to do that?
    • ▶️ 240 Better luck next time.
    • ▶️ 240 I'm always 3 steps ahead.
    • ▶️ 120 Not fast enough.
    • ▶️ You were never going to succeed.
    • ▶️ Mine.
    • ▶️ You're not quick enough.
    • ▶️ Uh-uh-uh...
    • ▶️ 240 Sorry friends.
    • ▶️ 120 Today's just not your day...

    30% chance

    • ▶️ r I'm toying with you, you understand that right?

    Acquiring an item

    • ▶️ r Look at that Jex, we didn't even have to steal it.
    • ▶️ r Ooooo shiny.
    • ▶️ r We're gonna have a lot of fun with this thing, aren't we Jex.
    • ▶️ r Just what I needed.
    • ▶️ r I've had my eyes on this for a while...

    Acquiring a specific item

    25% chance

    20% chance

    • ▶️ Divine Rapier (5950) r We'll be holding onto this for a long time...

    5% chance

    • ▶️ Divine Rapier (5950) r I've wanted to steal this forever...


    • ▶️ This isn't over!
    • ▶️ I'll be back for you...
    • ▶️ I'll make you pay for this....
    • ▶️ Impossible!
    • ▶️ How dare you lay a hand on me!
    • ▶️ You'll pay for what you've done!
    • ▶️ You'll never let me hear the end of this, will you Jex...
    • ▶️ Alright, maybe I was a little... overzealous.
    • ▶️ That didn't go the way I planned.
    • ▶️ Can't run forever, can we...
    • ▶️ Jex, start plotting... we have revenge to mount.
    • ▶️ Donté always said things would catch up with me... god I hate that little runt.
    • ▶️ Could be worse Jex, at least we're not stuck in Quoidge.
    • ▶️ Ya Jex, I get it... that was bad.


    • ▶️ I won't lie, that was unexpected...
    • ▶️ Hope my father didn't see that...
    • ▶️ Failure isn't an option...
    • ▶️ We're not out of this fight yet...
    • ▶️ Alright Jex, let's get some revenge...
    • ▶️ Playtime's over...
    • ▶️ Time to get serious...
    • ▶️ Ohhhhh a challenge, I like it.
    • ▶️ No rest for the wicked...
    • ▶️ Ok, I see how they want to play...
    • ▶️ Never count us out...
    • ▶️ What's life without a little adversity...
    • ▶️ Oh no, they won't pull that off again.

    50% chance

    • ▶️ r Jex... whaddya say we find who did that and rip their eyes out?


    • ▶️ I don't think so!

    Bottling Runes

    • ▶️ I'll save you for later...
    • ▶️ Hey little fella, you're coming with me...
    • ▶️ You'll come in handy.
    • ▶️ Excellent.
    • ▶️ I can use this.
    • ▶️ The power!
    • ▶️ It's mine!

    Activating runes

    Arcane Rune minimap icon.png Arcane Rune
    50% chance

    • ▶️ Arcane Power!

    40% chance

    • ▶️ 240 I'm stronger than ever.

    35% chance

    • ▶️ 120 I can feel the power run through me.

    Bounty Rune minimap icon.png Bounty Rune
    75% chance

    • ▶️ Bounty.

    35% chance

    • ▶️ Mine.

    20% chance

    • ▶️ r God I love money.

    Double Damage Rune minimap icon.png Double Damage Rune

    • ▶️ Double Damage.
    • ▶️ Oh they're not going to be expecting this...

    5% chance

    • ▶️ Get ready to do your thing, Jex.

    Haste Rune minimap icon.png Haste Rune

    • ▶️ Haste!
    • ▶️ We gotta stay on the move!

    25% chance

    • ▶️ Let's pick up the pace Jex.

    Illusion Rune minimap icon.png Illusion Rune

    • ▶️ Illusion
    • ▶️ ohhhh this'll be fun.

    25% chance

    • ▶️ Let's see them try to catch us now.

    Invisibility Rune minimap icon.png Invisibility Rune

    • ▶️ r Invisibility!
    • ▶️ This is our moment, Jex.

    40% chance

    • ▶️ 240 Let's see what kind of trouble we can get ourselves into...

    Regeneration Rune minimap icon.png Regeneration Rune

    • ▶️ Regeneration!
    • ▶️ They're not killing us...

    25% chance

    • ▶️ Stay healthy, stay moving.

    Ability on cooldown

    First attempt within 10 seconds

    • ▶️ Not yet.
    • ▶️ I can't do that.
    • ▶️ Patience.
    • ▶️ It's not ready.
    • ▶️ Not ready.
    • ▶️ Be patient.
    • ▶️ It'll be ready soon.
    • ▶️ Can't do that yet.
    • ▶️ Need more time.
    • ▶️ Not now, but soon.

    Second attempt within 10 seconds

    • ▶️ Not yet.
    • ▶️ I can't do that.
    • ▶️ Patience.
    • ▶️ It's not ready.
    • ▶️ Not ready.
    • ▶️ Be patient.
    • ▶️ It'll be ready soon.
    • ▶️ Can't do that yet.
    • ▶️ Need more time.
    • ▶️ Not now, but soon.

    Third and more attempts within 10 seconds

    • ▶️ Not yet!
    • ▶️ I can't do that!
    • ▶️ Patience!
    • ▶️ It's not ready!
    • ▶️ Not ready!
    • ▶️ Be patient!
    • ▶️ It'll be ready soon!
    • ▶️ Can't do that yet!
    • ▶️ Need more time!
    • ▶️ Not now, but soon!

    Not enough mana

    First attempt within 10 seconds

    • ▶️ I'm out of mana.
    • ▶️ Not enough mana.
    • ▶️ No mana.
    • ▶️ Wait till we have mana.

    20% chance

    • ▶️ Need mana.
    • ▶️ We have no mana.

    Second attempt within 10 seconds

    • ▶️ I'm out of mana.
    • ▶️ Not enough mana.
    • ▶️ No mana.
    • ▶️ Wait till we have mana.

    20% chance

    • ▶️ Need mana.
    • ▶️ We have no mana.

    Third and more attempts within 10 seconds

    • ▶️ I'm out of mana!
    • ▶️ Not enough mana!
    • ▶️ No mana!
    • ▶️ Wait till we have mana!

    20% chance

    • ▶️ Need mana!
    • ▶️ We have no mana!

    Taking damage

    3 seconds cooldown

    • ▶️ 120 I need help!
    • ▶️ 120 Over here!
    • ▶️ 120 They're over here!
    • ▶️ Uh!
    • ▶️ Ah!
    • ▶️ Ahh!
    • ▶️ Oah!
    • ▶️ Gya!
    • ▶️ Awh!
    • ▶️ Uh!
    • ▶️ Uh!
    • ▶️ Ugh!
    • ▶️ Guh!
    • ▶️ Ah!
    • ▶️ Ahh!
    • ▶️ Uh!
    • ▶️ G'aw!
    • ▶️ Uh!
    • ▶️ Nyeh!
    • ▶️ Uh!
    • ▶️ Ah!
    • ▶️ Uh!
    • ▶️ Ooh!
    • ▶️ Mm!
    • ▶️ Eh!
    • ▶️ Uh!


    5 consecutive clicks on the hero

    • ▶️ 240 I may have turned my back on my birthright, but at least my life is mine.
    • ▶️ 240 It probably wasn't the wisest idea to turn down the Jasper Circle, but I'm no one's errand girl.
    • ▶️ 240 Mark my words Jex... one day I'm going to steal the Apotheosis Blade, now that'll be something, won't it.
    • ▶️ 240 Not many people can say they've been kicked out Weeping Rose, but I am an exceptional talent.

    Chat responses

    Lane missing

    • ▶️ Top is missing!
    • ▶️ Mid is missing!
    • ▶️ Bottom's missing!

    thx, thanks, ty, or ally casts certain spell on player, 30 seconds cooldown

    • ▶️ Thanks.
    • ▶️ Thank you.
    • ▶️ 240 I owe you.
    • ▶️ 240 Preciate it.

    /laugh, haha, lol, 15 seconds cooldown

    • ▶️ Hahahaha!
    • ▶️ Hahahaha!
    • ▶️ Hah haha!
    • ▶️ Huh huh huh huh!
    • ▶️ Haha ha hahaha!
    • ▶️ Ha ha ha haha!
    • ▶️ Ah haha haha ha!
    • ▶️ Hahaha hahahaha!
    • ▶️ Hahahaha hahahahahaa!
    • ▶️ Ha ha ha ha ha ha haa!
    • ▶️ Haa hahahahahaha!
    • ▶️ Ahhhahahahahaha!

    5% chance

    • ▶️ Hahahaha ah hahahaha ahh hahahaha!
    • ▶️ Huh huh haha ahhaha ahhahahaha!

    Match end


    • ▶️ Our victory was inevitable.
    • ▶️ We won!
    • ▶️ Onto the next adventure.

    50% chance

    • ▶️ Good work Jex!

    Won before the 20 minute mark
    20% chance

    • ▶️ I wish I could say I was surprised.


    • ▶️ Oh great. Now I get to listen to my father gloat.
    • ▶️ We could have had that.
    • ▶️ No time for sulking, let's plot our revenge.
    • ▶️ Damn it!
    • ▶️ I don't wanna hear it Jex.

    Lost before the 20 minute mark
    20% chance

    • ▶️ In times like this you just need to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, then steal something your enemy really cares about.

    Cosmetic item drop


    • ▶️ I'll take that.


    • ▶️ Now what do we have here...

    Rare and higher

    • ▶️ Shiny.
    • ▶️ Just what I was waiting for.
    • ▶️ This is going to fit nicely in my collection.



    • ▶️ u Crummy Wizard!
    • ▶️ u Shitty Wizard!


    • ▶️ u Uugh!
    • ▶️ u Ah!
    • ▶️ u Uah!
    • ▶️ u Guh!
    • ▶️ u Hrrrrgg!
    • ▶️ u Bah!
    • ▶️ u Ahh!
    • ▶️ u Ugh!
    • ▶️ u Gaah!
    • ▶️ u Ahh!
    • ▶️ u Err!
    • ▶️ u Ugh!
    • ▶️ u Uh!
    • ▶️ u Ugh!
    • ▶️ u Mrf!
    • ▶️ u Uhh!


    • ▶️ You don't think you're going to win, do you?
    • ▶️ Darlin' I'm so out of your league it's not even funny.
    • ▶️ You ready to have some fun, Jex?


    • ▶️ u No.
    • ▶️ u No!
    • ▶️ u Noo!


    • ▶️ u Yes.
    • ▶️ u Yes!
    • ▶️ u Yeessss!


    • ▶️ u Jex really hates it when you rattle his cage.
    • ▶️ u I don't know what I was expecting.
    • ▶️ u Wait wait. Have you heard the one about the wayward baron and the traveling shopkeep?
    • ▶️ u Ignorance is only an excuse the first time. And even then, come on!
    • ▶️ u Oh-ho. Don't mind me. Just a wee fairy going about her business.
    • ▶️ u Change the subject. Please.
    • ▶️ u Do I look like a damsel?
    • ▶️ u Equal split! Minus my finder's fee, of course.
    • ▶️ u Ring that bell again. I dare you.
    • ▶️ u This makes absolutely no sense.
    • ▶️ u Stick to your pyramid schemes and leave the real hustle to the pros.
    • ▶️ u Listen, I know that's not how I said it'd all go down...
    • ▶️ u Death by decorum... Is no way for a fairy to live.
    • ▶️ u I was going to rob you blind and leave you for dead. But this works, too.
    • ▶️ u How was I supposed to know?
    • ▶️ u Give it up already.
    • ▶️ u No. Just... no.
    • ▶️ u Where's the challenge in that?
    • ▶️ u Hahaha ahaha ahaha ahhahahahahaa!
    • ▶️ u You shouldn't have. No, really. I'm not interested in your charity.
    • ▶️ u Fine, I'll say it... Thank you.



    Voiced by Ashly Burch
    • Dark Willow icon.png
      Dark Willow

    • Cosmetic icon Dark Willow Announcer Pack.png
      Dark Willow Announcer Pack

  • Miss Pauling (Team Fortress 2)
  • IMDB
  • Wikipedia
  • How Did Dally Get Out Of Trouble For Speeding?


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